***দুর্বল ছাত্র / ছাত্রীদের জন্য এই ফরমেট গুলো বেশ ফলপ্রসু হবে। HSC, Honour’s, Masters, BBA, MBA, BCS etc. **** Esay, Application, Letter, Paragraph, Summarizing, Re-arrange, WH-Question, Correction, English Grammer, Spoken, etc.
*** দুর্বল ছাত্র/ছাত্রীদের জন্য এই ফরমেটগুলো খুবই ফলপ্রসু হবে। ‍এই ফরমেটগুলো শুধু HSC , Degree , Honour's , Masters এর ছাত্র / ছাত্রীদের জন্য। *** বদিউজ্জামান ( রুবেল )***

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Others Question Answer

1. Re-arrange:                                                                                                         Marks:  5

Sub: + nv‡evaK / bv‡evaK  +  be verb + Main Verb + Ob: + Ext.

            Subject †Pbvi Dcvq :  Verb ‡K  †K / Kviv Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡Z n‡e |Ó

Verb ‡Pbvi Dcvq :   Subject †K   wK Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡Z n‡e | Ó

Sentence Assertive n‡j :  Sub: + (be verb _vK‡j) + Main verb + Object.

Sentence Interrogative n‡j :  Wh-word + be verb + Sub: + Main verb + Object.

2. Question Kivi wbqg/(System)     Wh-word + be verb + Sub: + Main verb + Object.       Marks:  5

3. Changing word / Word formation:                                                                Marks:  5

Rule-1: Adverb:     Adjective Gi mv‡_ (ly) hy³ Ki‡j Adverb n‡e |

Sub: + ( have / has / had ) + ( done/ delivered / touch / answer ) + it ( welq ) + Adverb.

Rule-2 Noun : Sub: + ( like / dislike / choose / do not like )+( my / his / our / your ) + Noun + Ob:

Rule-3 Verb :  Sub: + want to + Verb + Object        or,      Sub: + don’t + verb + object.

Rule-4 Adjective :  ( Sub:/This /That / It  ) +  to be verb  + ( a cÖ‡qvR‡b)+  Adjective  +  object.

1.       Sure
2.       strong
3.       television
4.       weak
5.       relive
6.       please
7.       monotonous
8.       able
9.       achieve
10.    angry
11.    appoint
12.    apply
13.    application
14.    beauty
15.    better
16.    book
17.    choose
18.    courage
19.    decision
20.    deep
21.    death
22.    enjoy
23.    education
24.    endure
25.    failure
26.    growth
27.    glory
28.    hungry
29.    important
30.    improve
31.    joyful
32.    long
33.    large
34.    mordant

4. Correction:                                                                                                                        Marks:  5

(1) wbæwjwLZ k㸇jvi c‡i Preposition em‡e bv- Resemble, discuss, resign, violate,  inform , Answer, ordered, comprises, regret , emphasis , etc.
Example- The discussed about the matter.
            The discussed the matter.

  (2)  wbæwjwLZ k㸇jvi (ing) ‡hvM n‡e bv / continuous tense n‡e bv | Feel, hear , fear , see , smell,
desire, love, like, live , want, wish , belong, possess, understand, know, think , believe, expect, remember, consist, etc.
            Example- I am loving you.    Ans: I am love you.

(3) mZ¨ ejv n‡j-  Tell _vK‡j speak       &       Told  _vK‡j spoke.
(4) wg_¨v ejv n‡j-   speak _vK‡j tell  KvD‡K wKQy ejv A‡_© --call
(5) i“wMi bvwo/ pulse †`Lv A‡_©   Feel n‡e  |
(6) cix¶v †`Iqv A‡_©  appear at  n‡e |
(7) cix¶vi LvZv †`Lv A‡_©  look over  n‡e |
(8) e³„„„„Zv †`Iqv A‡_©   deliver     n‡e |
(9) crime / sin fault /cvc Kiv eySv‡j  committed      n‡e |
(10) mistake / error / blunder  n‡j  made n‡e |
(11) Dictionary  ‡Z kã †`Lv A‡_©  look up     n‡e |
(12) we`vq Rvbvb A‡_©   Bade n‡e |
(13) Visite  Kiv A‡_©   looke at   n‡e |
(14) mcœ  †`Lv A‡_©  dream n‡e |
(15) wbæwjwLZ  k㸇jvi mv‡_ S /es  n‡e  bv --- ship ,deer, pair , luggess, scenery , dozen , news,  information.
(16) AlterNet word / GKUv _vK‡j  Av‡iKUv  n‡e |
Weather –climate
Popular –populous
Owing to – due to
Child like –child lash
Each other –one another
Loves – like

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