***দুর্বল ছাত্র / ছাত্রীদের জন্য এই ফরমেট গুলো বেশ ফলপ্রসু হবে। HSC, Honour’s, Masters, BBA, MBA, BCS etc. **** Esay, Application, Letter, Paragraph, Summarizing, Re-arrange, WH-Question, Correction, English Grammer, Spoken, etc.
*** দুর্বল ছাত্র/ছাত্রীদের জন্য এই ফরমেটগুলো খুবই ফলপ্রসু হবে। ‍এই ফরমেটগুলো শুধু HSC , Degree , Honour's , Masters এর ছাত্র / ছাত্রীদের জন্য। *** বদিউজ্জামান ( রুবেল )***

Tuesday, February 16, 2016



1. নিম্নলিখিত শব্দগুলোর পরে  Preposition  বসবে না -
Resemble, discuss, resign, Violate, inform, Answer, ordered, comprises, regret, Emphasis,
Example :- The discussed about the matter.
= The discussed the matter.

2. নিম্নলিখিত শব্দগুলোর সাথে কখনো (ing) যোগ হবে না বা Present continuous tense হবে না।
Feel, hear, fear, see, smell, desire , love, like, live want, wish , belong, possess, understand, know, think, believe, expect, remember, consist.
Example :- I am loving you.
= I love you.

3. (i)  সত্য বলা - tell থাকলে speak
told থাকলে spoke
(i)  মিথ্যা বলা - Speak  থাকলে tell
কাউকে কিছু বলা অর্থে -  call

4.  নিম্নলিখিত শব্দগুলোর সাথে কখনো (s/es) যোগ হবে না।  
Ship, Deer, pair, luggess, scenery, Dozen, News, information.

5. রুগীর নাড়ী / Pulse দেখা অর্থে Feel হবে।
6. পরীক্ষার খাতা দেখা অর্থে  Look over  হবে।
7. পরীক্ষা দেওয়া অর্থে Appear at হবে।
8. বক্তৃতা দেওয়া অর্থে  deliver  হবে।
9.  Crime / sin / fault / বা পাপ করা বুঝালে  Committed হবে।
10. Mistake / error / blunder থাকলে Made হবে।
11. Dictionary -তে শব্দ দেখা দেখা অর্থে look up হবে।
12. বিদায় জানানো অর্থে Bade হবে।
13. Visit করা অর্থে look at হবে।
14. স্বপ্ন দেখা অর্থে Dream হবে।

15. Alternate Word- একটা থাকলে আরেকটা
Weather – climate
Popular – populous
High – tall
Small – little
Sink – Drowned
Witness – evidence
Place – room
Memory – heart
Money – Taka
Owing to – due to
Refuse – declined
Discover - Invented
Hang – hung
Child like – child lash
Less – few
Each other – one another
Famous – Fame
Loves – like

  1. I have a business.
  2. The boy lives in a lodging house.
  3. There is no place in the bench.
  4. Our principal has English knowledge.
  5. I have read the work of Nazrul.
  6. He bought some furniture.
  7. He told the story in details.
  8. I like Nazrul’s poetry.
  9. The boy absented from the college.
  10. I shall avail the opportunity.
  11. He feels comparatively better today.
  12. Shamim is the most tallest boy in the class.
  13. He prefers to sing than to dance.
  14. We say him a liar.
  15. The doctor saw his pulse.
  16. He always tolls the truth.
  17. The boy spoke a lie.
  18. He talks good English.
  19. He will give the examination.
  20. He did a crime / sin / fault.
  21. He did a mistake / error / blunder.
  22. See the word in the dictionary.
  23. He gave a good speech.
  24. He gave me goodbye.
  25. He gave me a visit.
  26. He knows to swim.
  27. Cut the line.
  28. I saw a bad dream.
  29. I insisted him to go.
  30. He prohibited me to do the work.
  31. He is capable to do it.
  32. He excels to speak English.
  33. The girl prefers dance than sing.
  34. He can not help laugh.
  35. He goes to the library wit a view to read there.
  36. I look forward to receive your letter.
  37. Closing the school, we left for home.
  38. Having the sun set, we started for home.
  39. Being a very hot day, I did not go out.
  40. Finishing his field work, he returned home.
  41. It is raining since we first meet.
  42. It was long since I see her last.
  43. I wish I to be a king.
  44. It is high time we change our food habit.
  45. How you like it?
  46. How you like It ?
  47. Do you know who is he ?
  48. Tell me what is our name?
  49. Do you know where does he live ?
  50. Birds fly in the sky, can they ?
  51. He is too strong to carry the load.
  52. I am too glad to see you.
  53. Wait here until I do not come.
  54. Unless you do not work hard, you will fall.
  55. Walk fast lest you miss the train.
  56. Open page at fifty.
  57. He resembles to his father.
  58. They discussed about the matter.
  59. He resigned from the post.
  60. I shall inform to your father.
  61. He was angry upon me.
  62. Cattle is grazing in the field.
  63. I feel out of sort today.
  64. I gave him fooding and lodging.
  65. Good night, how are you?
  66. I am fond of vegetables.
  67. I you and he did the work.
  68. He, you and I are guilty.
  69. The boy  has been reading since three hours.
  70. I am preparing my lesson.
  71. The bell rang after we reached.
  72. The colour of his eyes are blue.
  73. I have a snack just now.
  74. Would you mind have a cup of tea?
  75. Had I been rich man , I help the poor.
  76. He wants photograph to take.
  77. If I were you , I will not do this.
  78. I prohibited him to go there.
  79. He is hoping for a brilliant result.
  80. It was long since they first met.
  81. A pair of shoes are 200 Taka.

অন্যরা এখন যা পড়তেছে

Love Tester

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