1. নিম্নলিখিত শব্দগুলোর পরে Preposition
বসবে না -
Resemble, discuss,
resign, Violate, inform, Answer, ordered, comprises, regret, Emphasis,
Example :- The discussed about the
= The discussed the matter.
2. নিম্নলিখিত শব্দগুলোর সাথে কখনো (ing) যোগ হবে না বা Present
continuous tense হবে না।
Feel, hear, fear, see, smell,
desire , love, like, live want, wish , belong, possess, understand, know,
think, believe, expect, remember, consist.
Example :- I am loving you.
= I love you.
3. (i) সত্য বলা - tell থাকলে speak
told থাকলে spoke
(i) মিথ্যা বলা - Speak থাকলে tell
কাউকে কিছু বলা
অর্থে - call
4. নিম্নলিখিত শব্দগুলোর সাথে কখনো (s/es) যোগ হবে না।
Ship, Deer, pair,
luggess, scenery, Dozen, News, information.
5. রুগীর নাড়ী / Pulse দেখা অর্থে Feel হবে।
6. পরীক্ষার খাতা দেখা অর্থে Look over হবে।
7. পরীক্ষা দেওয়া অর্থে Appear at হবে।
8. বক্তৃতা দেওয়া অর্থে deliver হবে।
9. Crime / sin / fault / বা পাপ করা বুঝালে Committed হবে।
10. Mistake / error / blunder থাকলে
Made হবে।
11. Dictionary -তে শব্দ দেখা দেখা অর্থে look up হবে।
12. বিদায় জানানো অর্থে Bade হবে।
13. Visit করা অর্থে look at হবে।
14. স্বপ্ন দেখা অর্থে Dream হবে।
15. Alternate Word- একটা থাকলে
Weather – climate
Popular – populous
High – tall
Small – little
Sink – Drowned
Witness – evidence
Place – room
Memory – heart
Money – Taka
Owing to – due to
Refuse – declined
Discover - Invented
Hang – hung
Child like – child lash
Less – few
Each other – one another
Famous – Fame
Loves – like
- I have a business.
- The boy lives in a lodging house.
- There is no place in the bench.
- Our principal has English knowledge.
- I have read the work of Nazrul.
- He bought some furniture.
- He told the story in details.
- I like Nazrul’s poetry.
- The boy absented from the college.
- I shall avail the opportunity.
- He feels comparatively better today.
- Shamim is the most tallest boy in the class.
- He prefers to sing than to dance.
- We say him a liar.
- The doctor saw his pulse.
- He always tolls the truth.
- The boy spoke a lie.
- He talks good English.
- He will give the examination.
- He did a crime / sin / fault.
- He did a mistake / error / blunder.
- See the word in the dictionary.
- He gave a good speech.
- He gave me goodbye.
- He gave me a visit.
- He knows to swim.
- Cut the line.
- I saw a bad dream.
- I insisted him to go.
- He prohibited me to do the work.
- He is capable to do it.
- He excels to speak English.
- The girl prefers dance than sing.
- He can not help laugh.
- He goes to the library wit a view to read there.
- I look forward to receive your letter.
- Closing the school, we left for home.
- Having the sun set, we started for home.
- Being a very hot day, I did not go out.
- Finishing his field work, he returned home.
- It is raining since we first meet.
- It was long since I see her last.
- I wish I to be a king.
- It is high time we change our food habit.
- How you like it?
- How you like It ?
- Do you know who is he ?
- Tell me what is our name?
- Do you know where does he live ?
- Birds fly in the sky, can they ?
- He is too strong to carry the load.
- I am too glad to see you.
- Wait here until I do not come.
- Unless you do not work hard, you will fall.
- Walk fast lest you miss the train.
- Open page at fifty.
- He resembles to his father.
- They discussed about the matter.
- He resigned from the post.
- I shall inform to your father.
- He was angry upon me.
- Cattle is grazing in the field.
- I feel out of sort today.
- I gave him fooding and lodging.
- Good night, how are you?
- I am fond of vegetables.
- I you and he did the work.
- He, you and I are guilty.
- The boy has been reading since three hours.
- I am preparing my lesson.
- The bell rang after we reached.
- The colour of his eyes are blue.
- I have a snack just now.
- Would you mind have a cup of tea?
- Had I been rich man , I help the poor.
- He wants photograph to take.
- If I were you , I will not do this.
- I prohibited him to go there.
- He is hoping for a brilliant result.
- It was long since they first met.
- A pair of shoes are 200 Taka.