***দুর্বল ছাত্র / ছাত্রীদের জন্য এই ফরমেট গুলো বেশ ফলপ্রসু হবে। HSC, Honour’s, Masters, BBA, MBA, BCS etc. **** Esay, Application, Letter, Paragraph, Summarizing, Re-arrange, WH-Question, Correction, English Grammer, Spoken, etc.
*** দুর্বল ছাত্র/ছাত্রীদের জন্য এই ফরমেটগুলো খুবই ফলপ্রসু হবে। ‍এই ফরমেটগুলো শুধু HSC , Degree , Honour's , Masters এর ছাত্র / ছাত্রীদের জন্য। *** বদিউজ্জামান ( রুবেল )***

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Notice Writing - Format -1

English Compulsory - Badiuzzaman ( Rube ) দুর্বল ছাত্র / ছাত্রীদের জন্য্ এই ফরমেট গুলো খুবই ফরপ্রসু হবে - http://englishcompulsory.blogspot.com/

Simple Question: Suppose you are a manager of  X  Ltd company. The annual meeting will be held on  12/05/2011. Now make a notice for all the employers of your company.

X  Ltd company
Office of the (……..)
                            It is hereby notified for all the employees of  X  Ltd company that the annual meeting will held on 12/05/2011
So all the employs are ordered to attend the meeting just in time.

The order of manager ,
X Ltd company.

Simple Question: Suppose you are a chairman of X department of Tongi Gove. College the midterm exam will be held on 12th December to 11th January. Notice for the student of X department to attend the midterm exam.

Tongi Gove College
Office of the Chairman
X department

                          It is hereby notified to all the students of       X department of Tongi Gove College that the midterm exam will be held on 12th December.

                          So all the students of X department are (ordered/informed) to attend the midterm exam in time.

The ordered of chairman

অন্যরা এখন যা পড়তেছে

Love Tester

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