About Various Problems in Bangladesh
of the essay (any
1. Introduction: In our day to day life, we are
experiencing new kinds of problems. Bangladesh is a small country with a huge
population. This is why this developing country faces various kinds problems
like food, traffic jam, dowry, acid thronging, terrorism, hurtle, load
shedding, road accident, arsenic and so on .(Name of the essay) is causing much
harm to Bangladesh.
2. Causes: There
are many causes of (Name of the essay). Injustices, lack of civic sense, lack
of religious mentality, lack of family ties are some of them. Besides, most of
the people of our country are poor and illiterate. They live from hand to
mouth. Thus they have no knowledge to judge what is right and wrong. Again our
political condition is getting worse day by day. It is an obstacle for the
welfare of the country. On the other hand, nature is also cruel on us. All
these situation has turned our country into this position. Flood, cyclone,
drought are very common for this country.
3 Effects:
The effects of (Name of the essay) is very dangerous. It hampers our regular activities.
It destroys out time .It also harmful for our life and property. Continuation
of (Name of the essay) makes our life idle. In a ward it is a major threat form
our existence.
4. Remedy:
An off-quoted proverb is that prevention is better than cure. So it is high
time to take necessary steps and preventive measures to get rid of (Name of the
essay). By taking proper steps by the proper authority, a country can be
furnished for the next generation.
Essay scope: