Abstract Idea
1. Introduction: To make
life useful and successful every man should have some extra-ordinary qualities.
(Name of the essay) is one of them it is a quality that makes our life valuable
and powerful. A person having such quality leads a happy and powerful. A person
having such quality leads a happy and an orderly life. He/she seldom faces
unacceptable obstacle in life. He / she are sure to prosper in life.
2. Its significance: (Name
of the essay) signifies moral sensibility. It flashes our human power and
reflects our mind. Thus it enlightens our mental faculty by changing the mode
of leading life in accordance with rules.
3. Necessary: (Name of the essay) is necessary in every sphere of
our life. Every success in human life depends on it. Without this quality
people become quarrelsome and create chaos. Thus society turns into a field of
war. If we make a list of successful persons, we will find that their glorious
success consists in (Name of the essay). We will also find that this extra-ordinary
quality helps them to make their life fruitful and inspires them to do many
things for the welfare of mankind. Therefore our civilization has been advanced
so far.
4. Its Importance: The importance of (Name of the essay) cannot be
described in word. It has great influence both in our life and society. But for
it society becomes lifelessly, mankind becomes helpless and in this way people
in society turn into useless. Everybody feels boredom. This is why; it is
valued more than money or any other kind of wealth or property. No other kind
of wealth which brings great reward for human life in all branches of life is
impossible without education. No doubt, it is the greatest possession of life.
5. Its Influence: In spite of being mental faculty and invisible
quality (Name of the essay) has a great influence on human life. To have peace
in life every body has to abide by some rules. (Name of the essay) is such kind
of regulations that influence much on humanity.
6. Conclusion: (Name of the essay) is a kind of virtue. It is
seldom an inborn virtue. It has to be acquired through habit and diligence. But
for it fame, progress or success is impossible. In short we can say, that we
have to follow those who have gained their success by dint of (Name of the essay).
- Modesty
- Punctuality
- Obedience
- Well-behaviour
- Dutifulness
- Character
- Charity
- Patriotism
- Perseverance
- Value of time
- Politeness
- Courtesy
- Cleanliness
- Dignity of Labor
- Industry
- Self Reliance
- Education
- KindnessCo-ordination
- Faithfulness
- Early rising
- Labor
- Patience.