***দুর্বল ছাত্র / ছাত্রীদের জন্য এই ফরমেট গুলো বেশ ফলপ্রসু হবে। HSC, Honour’s, Masters, BBA, MBA, BCS etc. **** Esay, Application, Letter, Paragraph, Summarizing, Re-arrange, WH-Question, Correction, English Grammer, Spoken, etc.
*** দুর্বল ছাত্র/ছাত্রীদের জন্য এই ফরমেটগুলো খুবই ফলপ্রসু হবে। ‍এই ফরমেটগুলো শুধু HSC , Degree , Honour's , Masters এর ছাত্র / ছাত্রীদের জন্য। *** বদিউজ্জামান ( রুবেল )***

Monday, January 11, 2016

Notice Writing - Format -2

(1).                       Notice ) writing (Different in one

Reference: 01/0l/2011                                                                                Date: ……..
Notice of show Cause
Dear X,
It is hereby notified that  …  wemq e¯‘ …. One thing you need to be sure that the office management goes on as per its articles of association and memorandum. So, try to be obedient to the official discipline.
…… bvg …..Manager(Administration)
cÖwZôv‡bi bvg, wVKvb  |
N.B: By applying this method, you may answer any type of show cause.

Reference: 01/0l/2011                                                                                Date: ……..
Notice of Announcement
It is notified for all the students/people ……of the dept. of English / city …………
That           Interested candidates are offered to contact with the authority for further information.
Mr. … bvg ….
…. cÖwZôv‡bi bvg, wVKvb  |
N.B: By applying this method, you may answer any type of Announcement notice.

Reference: 01/0l/2011                                                                                Date: ……..
Notice of College/University for the students.
It is notified for information of all the students of the college that……….(Function/college/Classes) will be (arranged/closed/suspended) on the occasion of ……… In the college campus tomorrow. So all the students are hereby advised/told to attend the function/class to make it a success and meaningful.
..Mr.     ……..

N.B: By applying this method, you may answer any type of information Notice.

অন্যরা এখন যা পড়তেছে

Love Tester

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